The project general objective is to develop key competences in adult population and to strengthen the network of actors in the field of education, training, and guidance in each participating territories to promote social and professional fulfillment and inclusion of adults.
The specific objectives are:
SO1. Raising the quality of adult learning, involving 160 participants (over 50s and migrants) in learning experiences to strengthen their skills and Key Competences (1,2,3,4,5,6) in a creative, innovative, non-formal learning environment.
SO2. To promote the inclusion of people at risk of social exclusion, fostering their self-esteem and autonomy, strengthening the attitude to lifelong learning and social development to 160 adults through experiences exchange with those coming from different contexts.
SO3. To develop a more integrated information system in continue education, guidance, training and job opportunities, offered to adult population and increase the knowledge of Eu Programmes for adults.
SO4. Stimulate an open mind, intercultural exchange and intergenerational dialogue in at least 160 adults, fostering the development of their social skills and active participation to society.
The main activities will include preparation activities, development of learning materials on Key Competences, mentoring activities for self-assessment of adult skills, 4 transnational project meetings, 2 blended mobilities of adult learners of 4 weeks (in Italy and Spain), the creation of an online interactive guide, the realization of Video CV with adult learners and monitoring, evaluation and dissemination activities. Our 2nd newsletter covers the 2nd part of our Project’s timeline & activities for the period July – December 2019.
Current & Upcoming Activities
Participants impressions from InterMediaKT
“The learning mobility in Marsciano was a great experience”, this is the first and foremost sentence which was heard during the post-training meeting of learners and facilitators. Being in the warm office of People Behind, under the roof of the newly founded University of third age in Athens, Maria, Eirini and Giorgos shared their experiences…
Selection of participants for the Second blended mobility of the project in Spain
The selection of participants for the second blended mobility in Spain has just begun! Each project partner organisation will select 4 participants that will attend a 4 weeks-training course in Malaga (Spain) from February 15th to March 15th 2020. Associazione Travelogue has just published its call for participants and will organise a meeting with all…
Participants impresion from Crefad Loire
The Key4development project which is a European cooperation project between several structures of the social and solidarity economy in Greece, Italy, Spain and France. This project offers two highlights: 30 days of mobility, once in Italy and once in Spain for 4 people residing in France and away from employment. Objectives: to develop and acquire…
Volunteering meeting
Last 24th october 2019, our Spanish partners held a “Volunteering Meeting” to welcome back the 6 Spanish participants of the #key4development mobility in Marsciano, Italy. During this event, the participants presented the mobility and the activities they carried out and shared this unique experience with the rest of the attendees. Original Post
Erasmus days: Virtual interview with participants
Our Spanish partner took part of the Erasmus days activities last 10th October with a virtual event “Erasmus, Connecting People” where several volunteers and Erasmus+ beneficiaries were interviewed on their experiences with the Erasmus+ programme. One of the interviewees was a participant of the #key4development mobility participants, who joined the event directly from Marsciano, Italy,…
The first mobility of the Erasmus + project “ETICASD” in Marsciano has just ended.
The first mobility of the E.T.I.C.A.S.D. project has just ended. – “Education Tools Improvement Contributing to Adult Social Development”, co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union. The two-year project is coordinated by Travelogue Association and involves partners from France, Spain and Greece, with the aim of developing key competences in the adult population,…
Launch of the 1st blended mobility of the ETICASD project in Italy
September is a key4development month! Associazzione Travelogue welcomed all learners from Greece, France and Spain in an opening conference in Marsciano! While they were being introduced to the rich learning program, the project team talked about next steps and milestones to be ahieved.
Greek Participants meeting with People Behind and InterMediaKT
Yesterday we met with the Greek learners of the learning training mobility of #ETICASD project, which will start next week in marsciano and last till October 18th. The project focus is on the #comperence model of the EU wishing to develop the digital, multilingual, mathematical, science and citizenship competence of our participants. Thanks to our…
Final selection of participants and preparation from IIJ Spain
On 3rd September 2019, the final 6 selected Spanish participants attended a preparation meeting for the first mobility in Marsciano, Italy, at Iniciativa Internacional Joven’s headquarters in Malaga. The participants were informed of the logistics and received a short training session as preparation for the mobility, carried out by the project coordinator. Original Post
Italian class farewell party!
On 1st August 2019, our Spanish partners in Malaga had their last Italian lesson with the candidates for the mobility in Marsciano, Italy, in the framework of our project #Key4Development. In true Italian fashion, the participants said farewell to their Italian teacher, Lucia, who had come all the way from Catania to prepare our candidates…