The main objective of this activity is to develop the competencies and skills necessary to exercise citizenship in an active and responsible way in the participants, carrying out an online pre-training to later make mobility from their countries of origin to Malaga, Spain, to put into practice the knowledge acquired through volunteer work.
- Purpose
- Learning Objectives
- Methodology
- Duration
- Target Group
- Acquired Competence
- Evaluation Tool
- Observations
- To initiate the participants in the understanding of the concept of citizenship.
- Recognize and understand the rights and duties subject to the citizens.
- Encourage the development of universal and individual ethical values based on solidarity, equality and respect for others.
- To know and to understand the scale of eigenvalues to the European and national culture of the participating countries (Spain, Italy, Greece and France).
- To create a common European citizen identity, this is enriched by the cultural and individual diversity of the participants.
- Perform social volunteer work as the implementation of the competencies, knowledge and skills acquired in the training.
This process of teaching/learning of non-regulated character (non-formal education) will be carried out through an active methodology, learning by doing, as a means for acquiring the necessary competences and thus being able to exercise citizenship empowering as individuals Belonging to a multicultural and plural society, with a common objective to promote equality, solidarity and respect for others in order to build a peaceful and secure society for its members among all citizens.
First, there will be an online training of the participants of the volunteer project on citizenship with the aforementioned contents. Once the theoretical part is completed, we will proceed to the mobility experience, in which the Members have to carry out volunteer work in Malaga, Spain, following the methodology of learning by doing.
The online module will have a duration of 30 hours, being the face-to-face courses module of 24 hours (6 hours per week) during the mobility.
Training participants are adults over 50 years old and immigrant adults over the age of 18 at risk of social exclusion.
Citizen competence is the capacity to act as responsible citizens and to participate fully in civic and social life, implying the understanding of both common European values and the different multicultural and socio-economic dimensions Of European societies and how national cultural identity contributes to European identity, thus developing the ability to engage effectively with others in the common or public interest, including the sustainable development of society.
Constructive participation implies the willingness to participate in democratic decision-making at all levels and civic activities. It includes support for social and cultural diversity, gender equality and social cohesion, sustainable lifestyles, the promotion of the culture of Peace and non-violence, the willingness to respect the intimacy of others and taking a responsible attitude towards the environment.
Online module: Presentations, questionnaires and online learning games.
Face-to-face module: Masterful exhibitions and observation of competencies, skills and attitudes acquired after online and face to face training through the accomplishment of volunteer tasks for the benefit of the community.
The online information offered to the project participants must be presented using English texts of A1 or A2 level for foreign students, with the purpose of making the experience successful and enriching.
Participants will be allowed as many times as necessary each of the presentations and activities in order to ensure a total understanding of the information offered, since it appears in English, not being their mother tongue.