Travelogue is a no profit organization working in the promotion of Umbria and the territory of Central Italy since 2010. Its aim is the social, environmental, productive and cultural development of the area through the promotion of thematic itineraries, information and education activities on environmental protection and historical, artistic and cultural characteristics of the region, sustainable development, eco tourism, European culture and languages, active participation in European citizenship, development of skills in youth and adult through training, guidance, language learning and cultural activities.

Travelogue cooperates with public and private institutions, local associations, schools, municipalities, SMEs and European organizations to facilitate social inclusion, promote knowledge and vocational training and encourage the active participation of all to EU citizenship. In the last time its aims has been particularly focused on the needs of unemployed population, trying to connect the possibility to develop new services for the promotion of the territory with the offer of workforce. English Language labs have been developed for the preparation of youth and adults to the world of work and to live in an international environment.

The main aims of our Association are:

  • Promoting the territory of Umbria and local development through the enhancement of the cultural, environmental and naturalistic heritage that distinguishes it and involving the human and professional resources that live there.
  • Fostering social inclusion and intercultural exchange, intergenerational dialogue, active citizenship and lifelong learning, through non-formal activities cooperating with other Italian and European organizations
  • Encouraging local excellence, the “culture of work” and self-employment, job opportunities in innovative sectors, promoting the meeting with companies active at local and European level
  • Promoting the autonomy of people in search of work, the ability to self-guidance and self-promotion in their personal and professional growth
  • Improving adult skills in their professional and social life, in order to promote key competences and active aging.


