Crefad Loire means Center of Research, Study, Training in Animation and Development of the Loire CREFAD Loire is a professional training organization; it carries out professional training actions and leads his trainees towards the development of their activities.

The Crefad Loire is also an association that promotes the values of popular education and seeks to fight, by all means and in all forms, against inequalities. Driven by this principle, it aims at the autonomy of any person or association of people as well as the development of their capacity to think, to decide, to express themselves and to act concretely.

At Crefad Loire, we believe that lifelong learning is an opportunity for anyone to pursue, beyond initial training, the development of knowledge, know-how and skills. Based on the interests of each and relying on experiences and experiences, Crefad Loire is active in the support of all approaches to social, environmental and cultural projects. European mobility is a vehicle for emancipation, personal and professional development; it is a tool for lifelong learning and therefore a tool at the service of Crefad Loire learners.

The Crefad Loire has 3 full-time employees and three people in civic service. The trainers support the individual or collective project approaches, while the volunteers, who gradually acquire the tools of project management, undertake the implementation of their initiatives. The Crefad Loire also has a board of directors composed of a team of 6 dynamic and invested volunteers. The acceptance of this application will allow the Crefad Loire association to maintain its innovative training offering that combines vocational training in France and European mobility. The association will continue to rely on skills mobilized within its network of external partners that allows the enrichment of training content and clarify, through lived experiences, accompanied projects.

The proposed project is part of the offer of formation of the University of the Associative Life (carried by the University Service of the Continuing Formation of the Jean Monnet University of Saint Etienne).


