PRESENTATION: Human Rights (Theory)


For this excercise, each participant must choose a short film to view and comment on the Platform forum. The contribution to the forum must contain at least:

  • Brief description of the situation exposed in the documentary
  • The emotions you have experienced when you see it


These short films are part of an Amnesty International campaign against the abuses committed to migrants in Mexico.

From destinations such as Oaxaca, Chiapas, Guatemala and El Salvador, García Bernal, together with director Marc Silver and the Organization for Human Rights, conducted a series of interviews not only for Central American migrants, but also for humanitarian workers and Doctors who are involved in the process.

The United Nations (UN) can take action on the problems facing humanity in the 21st century, such as peace and security, climate change, sustainable development, human rights, disarmament, terrorism, emergencies Humanitarian and health, gender equality, governance, food production and much more.

Describe an activity or workshop that you would carry out in your neighborhood/community to improve coexistence, social equality, justice and/or freedom of people.

For this second part of the activity, think of something you know how to do and can teach or share with others and that serves to know better and see what we have in common and that is unique to each of us.

Write a letter or e-mail addressed to the UN with the objective of visualize the problem explained in the documentary you have chosen, and demanding to press the Mexican government to enforce the Declaration of Human Rights of the people Migrants.

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  • #557
    User Avataradmin_eticasd

    Excercise 1: For this excercise, each participant must choose a short film to view and comment on the Platform forum. The contribution to the forum must contain at least:

    • Brief description of the situation exposed in the documentary
    • The emotions you have experienced when you see it.
    User AvatarValentina

    For this exercise I choose the short film “Goal” which describe the situation of migrants in México and the difficulties they have to immigrante to another country, specially the wholw situation of the migration process through the United States and as well as the crossing of the border between Mexico and the United States, and the different situations that arise from crossing it illegally, which alludes to how essential it would be if the Mexican government had better control of it and also in order to be able to have a better contol so that people can legally cross it by warning and protecting them to have major problems when passing to the other country border.

    The emotions I have experienced through this documentary were very touching and emotional because I feel personally how this people feel as migrants because I am a migrant in Europe (Spain) and I know how difficult it is trying to fit in another country that is not yours, dealing with its people, its culture and trying to figure out to create a better future for your children on the new challenge which rappresent the dreaming to live the American Dream.

    User AvatarValentina

    2 exercise

    I propose to make an activity by reading leaders pease phrases in order to create a reflection class with the participants by also create with them a debate about peace, finally each one need to paste on a wall the cards by creating a mural.

    Time: 45 minutes


    Printed cards



    • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by User AvatarValentina.
    User AvatarValentina

    Letter to the United Nations

    In the context of the whole situation that Mexican migrants are passing, I allow you to take into account the importance of dialogue and communication with American and Mexican migratory systems in order to reunite them and and advise them to improve the treatment of migrants as human beings, especially on the American border, by allowing Mexico to improve their control rules over people who cross the border, especially towards those who almost do it illegally, they should advised and help them by establishing new measures so that they find flexible exits that allows them to cross the other country border legally.


    Grazziella Combatti
    Early childhood education teacher with emphasis on inclusive education

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