The first mobility of the E.T.I.C.A.S.D. project has just ended. – “Education Tools Improvement Contributing to Adult Social Development”, co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.
The two-year project is coordinated by Travelogue Association and involves partners from France, Spain and Greece, with the aim of developing key competences in the adult population, as a tool to promote social and professional inclusion.
This first transnational mobility involved twelve citizens over 50 or migrants from France, Spain and Greece and four citizens residing in our Municipality.
The activity, which began last September 19th, was carried out with the collaboration of the Municipality of Marsciano and also involved other local associations, which have been available to collaborate and to facilitate the group’s stay in Marsciano.
Many educational and cultural activities have been organized, including Italian language lessons and digital skills, also using the Digipass spaces made available by the administration.
During the four weeks spent in our territory, the collaboration with the volunteers of the associations and the experiences gained in contact with the local population not only contributed to the achievement of the learning objectives set by the project, but they favoured an interesting intercultural exchange, promoting opportunities offered by the Erasmus+ program for all age groups.