The second Transnational Project Meeting was held in Italy in September 20-21, 2019, hosted by Associazione Travelogue in Marsciano (PG).
The partners discussed about the selection process for the learners of the first blended mobility, the difficulties occurred for the selection and the profiles of the learners of each partner organisation. Each organisation described the preparatory and mentoring activities carried out for their learners. All mentoring activities and results will be collected in a report of self-assessment of adults’ skills.
All partners were involved in the presentation of the program of activities of the blended mobility to the learners.
The second blended mobility of the project will be hosted by Asociacion Iniciativa Internacional Joven in Malaga (Spain) in February-March 2020).
The partner organisations discussed also about project visibility and dissemination activities through the website, the newsletter and social networks.
A public conference was held in Sala Capitini in Marsciano, involving the project’s staff and the learners, with the participation of the local administration, local stakeholders and the local population. We presented the partner organisations, project’s activities, the program of the blended mobility and the participants.